PORTIERI: Costil, Fiorillo, Ochoa;
DIFENSORI: Bradaric, Bronn, Daniliuc, Fazio, Gyomber, Lovato, Sambia;
CENTROCAMPISTI: Legowski, Martegani, Pierozzi, Sfait;
ATTACCANTI: Botheim, Candreva, Ikwuemesi, Simy, Stewart, Tchaouna.
At the end of this afternoon’s training session, Coach Filippo Inzaghi released the list of players called up for tomorrow’s match between Napoli and Salernitana.
GOALKEEPERS: Costil, Fiorillo, Ochoa;
DEFENDERS: Bradaric, Bronn, Daniliuc, Fazio, Gyomber, Lovato, Sambia;
MIDFIELDERS: Legowski, Martegani, Pierozzi, Sfait;
FORWARDS: Botheim, Candreva, Ikwuemesi, Simy, Stewart, Tchaouna.